Our AHS Fishing Teams have bass fishing at the high school level. We have five teams that fish throughout the year in Texas High School Bass Fishing and one team that also fishes in the Bassmaster’s Texas Youth Nation Northwest division.
They work hard at it and represent Anson well. They are responsible for securing sponsorships for jerseys, entries, and travel. On tournament days they fish continuously from 6:30 am until 3:00 pm (often on the water at 5:00 am).
Although I don’t have footage from THSBA tournaments, here are some links to some bass master tournaments that Jacob and Hunter have attended. They are shown a couple of times in the second video.
They can also be found on the Anson High School Bass Fishing page on Facebook.
The teams are:
Jacob Vinson and Hunter Teichelman
Jace Murphy and Ethan Macias
Branson Rister and Hunter Bowen
Cole Estes
Saidee Blankenship
Thank you, Stephen Scitern