Anson PALS
PALS (Peer Assistance and Leadership) is a mentor program that provides many benefits for Anson students.
We have a diverse group of students who are diligently preparing to serve our schools and community. PALS will be available during 3rd period (9:45-10:30) on Monday-Thursday after they complete 6 weeks of training.
The ultimate goal is for each PAL to be paired with an at-risk student in your classroom. We call them Palees. While a PAL may assist and interact with any student in your room, they need to take one child in particular under their wing.
A PAL can work one on one most days with their palee, but they can also facilitate a small group or classroom as needed. We also know as educators that an at-risk child will perform better academically when they feel safe, loved, and have a positive role-model. The time a student spends with a PAL will not only be academic, but also time to simply talk and build a positive relationship with his or her mentor.
If you would like to host a PAL during this time and think you have a student who would benefit from interacting with a positive role model, please email me as soon as possible at
If you have hosted a PAL in the past, would you please inform our new staff members about your experience? It is my goal to strengthen this program each year, so your participation and feedback is very valuable to me!
Thank you for giving these students a chance to grow as mentors and productive members of Anson, TX! Let's get started!
Lacy Cook
Avan Jobe
Anthony Hernandez
Stryker Dillard
Ava Hagler- President
Chloe Fernandez - Treasurer
Jadyn Soto - Secretary
Emiliano Garcia - Vice President
Carson Ronquillo
Christian Ronquillo
Ashlynn Nunez
Jiselle Ramos
Colton Cook
Mattison Dymock
Sayge Correa
Mario Barrera
Ayden White
Ella-Sophie McCurdy
Hayden Parker